*100% Recycled * Locally made * From the heart

My name is Daniel Berhe, just became a father and someone with a passion for Slöjd. Rasied in the north of Sweden the woods feel like home to me, the cold not so much. My family are starting a life in the woods in Portugal too, where my woodwork will continue and I explore my relationship with tools and diferent types of wood.
I love to carve spoons of all sorts, almost as much as I love eating with a spoon. I am a firm believer that once you go wood, you don't go back. I hope to help show you the way.
Proud founder of the Slöjdpung - to sit and carve anywhere, anytime, and collect all your woodchips not leaving a mess. Take a look on the video on the main page.
I love simple things and being in nature, am against mass consumerism and wasteful behaviour. That is why I love the idea of reuse, repair and recycle. Useing fallen wood or conciously choosing and honoring green wood in my craft. To make things that lasts, heirlooms for next generations inspired by nature herself and by our elders whom left us, I am honored to follow in the footsteps of previous woodworkers and to walk my path.
Gört Ba - act and do. That is my moto, not be too self critical and get stuck in the head. By doing, I am learing and progressing forward. I find it always better to do then not to.
Thank you for being here, friend.